A former 19th century Over-the-Rhine church is getting a new life as an entertainment center. The former St. John's Evangelical Protestant Church at Twelfth and Elm will become the Transept. "The Transept will be a private event space and public bar," said co-owner Josh Heuser. "The bar will be in the southwest corner. The bar will be open seven days a week with four private event spaces." "The word 'transept' is an architectural term often used in the religious environment where you have the transept of a church where the two support columns come together," said co-owner Michael Forgus. "Our whole goal is to become the Transept, to become the gathering place, the meeting place where everything comes together for this whole community of Over-the-Rhine," Forgus said. The $4.7 million renovation will include 50 foot ceilings, a fully restored bell tower, and stained glass windows. The building is set to open in Fall 2015.